Do you know 97% of patents filed across the globe are never able to make money? Are you also paying heavy annuities to maintain every patent in your portfolio?
Well, the majority of the companies have already started pruning their patent portfolios to align with current business requirements and also to keep up with current technology trends. Companies are getting rid of patents on obsolete technologies and also patents that don’t have merit of commercialization.
Our Approach
Secrets To Our Unique Methods
We analyse each patent across various qualitative parameters as mentioned below:
- Enforceability of the claims
- Infringement Detectability
- Market Relevance
- Priority strength of the patent
Our unique scoring system for each patent across these parameters helps in visualizing the entire portfolio in a ranked manner. A total final score is calculated from each of the qualitative parameters and anoverall rank of the patent in the entire portfolio is determined. Eventually final recommendation is provided for each patent whether to renew the patent or abandon it
PATENT LANDSCAPE/Whitespace analysis
Do you plan to enter a new technology domain or a new business vertical? Do you want to know what are the technology domains on which your competitors are actively filing patents and where do you stand?
Like the majority of the key innovative companies would you also like to empower your researchers with state of art analysis via technology landscape studies? Do you know how to optimize your R&D efforts by conducting technology landscape studies that also provide key market insights.
Well lot of our clients ranging from key innovative companies to start ups get critical insights on game changer innovations happening in their space alongwith the key market insights before they actually invest in their R&D and subsequently build patent portfolios. We can help you as well with in your innovation journey with below approach.
Our Approach
The Way We Do It
We apply a detailed step by step procedure to perform technology landscape/whitespace studies as mentioned below:
- Analysing technology area of focus in detail through various patent and research articles
- Preparing a detailed multi-tier technology taxonomy to cover the specific focus areas of landscape study
- Performing market research to understand the products and standards applicable in the technology domain of interest
- Searching relevant patents in the domain and bucketing patents multi-tier taxonomy in a semi-automated manner
- Identifying key focus areas of various key players in the specific technology domains as captured by the technology taxonomy
- Recommendation on R&D efforts, whitespaces and key market insights
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